Saturday, March 3, 2018

Megadeth's Dave Mustaine Grammy Didn't Say 'Metallica'

Anyone who has paid even the least bit of attention to the heavy metal scene in the past 30+ years is well aware of the infamous rivalry and animosity between Megadeth and Metallica. Megadeth front man Dave Mustaine was lead guitarist in Metallica when they formed and wrote most of their first album, but was kicked out and replaced with Kirk Hammett.

Now that Megadeth has finally won their first Grammy for their latest album Dystopia Mustaine had some amusing remarks regarding the award and the error the award people made of playing a Metallica song during their walk to the stage.

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone (which can also be seen in the video above), Mustaine says:

"We've been nominated a lot of times, which is great — it's very flattering. But there's only so many times you can say, 'Oh, I'm really happy I was just nominated.' [Chuckles] Yeah, right! So I remember it when we actually did win, the way that they announced it, it was kind of backwards.

Margaret Cho was the presenter, and she said, 'And the winner is 'Dystopia',' and it was supposed to have been the winner was MEGADETH, because it was about the band, not about the song. It took a second to sink in, and then we got up there.

And then, on the way down there, the music is playing in the background, and I didn't even care. We got up there and we did our thing. And somebody goes, 'Did you hear the song they played when you got your award?'

And I was, like, 'No.' Evidently, they played a METALLICA song. And I said, 'I don't feel bad for 'em, 'cause they did a really, really bad job of it.' Good thing is it didn't say 'METALLICA' on the freakin' Grammy!"

Honestly, I can't say I blame Mustaine for his relief at finally winning the award and for being grateful for despite the musical flub at the ceremony the award at least had the proper band name on it. If I were in his shoes I would be kind of pissed too if my hard earned award had the name of the band I loathed the most.

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