Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Mike Portnoy Rocks a Hello Kitty Toy Drum Kit

Former Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy has been known for being a rather good natured and funny kind of guy. He recently decided to show off his sense of humour as well as his mad drumming skills by doing a silly video (which can be viewed below) of him playing some rock and metal classics on a Hello Kitty toy drum kit.

Portnoy joined forces with Loudwire to do this video. At the beginning of the video, he walks in the room with the kit and jokes around before laying down some Kiss, Rush, and Slayer beats better than most drummers could on a real kit, saying:

"What the fuck, where is my tour manager? I specifically requested the Pokemon kit. I never play Hello Kitty. Obviously the fucking guy did not get the rider. And a single pedal? I'm supposed to be doing Slayer tunes on this thing. But I'm an artist and a professional. I will rise above."

I'm not surprised that Portnoy would pull a stunt like this. He is one of the few people who could get away with getting behind a toy drum kit marketed toward little girls and make it rock so hard that most other drummers would throw up their sticks and quit. Plus, I'm always more impressed by a drummer who can make the most of a minimal kit than anyone behind a 100 piece kit.

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